Clean Economy

Long established industrial and economic practices, be they production, transport or the way we govern and regulate them, must change if we are to achieve net-zero emissions.

Clean Economy



Net-zero applies to the whole of the economy – the energy sources, industrial processes, supply chains, infrastructure, ancillary services and demand. Systematically addressing these in a coherent way will be key to successfully reaching net-zero.

The economy is changing however, from digitalisation to robotics to materials and demographics. The net-zero economy of 2050 will be the product of all these changes.

We are deeply knowledgeable in the fields of industry, innovation, energy and infrastructure policy. Our staff have expertise working across Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South America.

In order to establish fair and climate resilient societies for all, we are building the political and institutional frameworks to make the necessary economic changes possible.

Track record

  1. Our work supported efficient, climate-friendly cooling highlighted on the mainstage at the UN Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit in September 2019 with real economy commitments made by governments, cities, industry and financial institutions to support an accelerated transition.
  2. Following our on future energy systems, we saw major funding for large-scale demonstrators provided by the UK government under their Prospering from the energy revolution fund.
  3. Our involvement as a founding member of the business-led Energy Efficiency Infrastructure Group helped to align countless other stakeholders’ calls for making energy efficiency a UK infrastructure investment priority. As a result, all main parties committed to major energy efficiency programmes in their 2019 election manifestos, with implementation to support green post-pandemic recovery now the focus.

Focus areas

Climate Neutral Energy Systems

The Climate Neutral Energy Systems programme aims to advance the energy infrastructure, markets and diplomacy needed to transition to climate neutrality. Our goal is to build the horizontal structures that facilitate industry, power and place based transitions to thrive and be elevated to scale – thereby enabling an orderly, well-managed phase down of our fossil fuel economy, particularly gas-based. We do this by investing in thought leadership and building coalitions for institutional, financial, fiscal and regulatory reform and innovation.

Artur Patuleia

Senior Associate

Eunjung Lee

Senior Policy Advisor

Lisa Fischer

Associate Director - Energy Transition

Maria Pastukhova

Programme Lead

Rheanna Johnston

Policy Advisor

Ronan Palmer

Associate Director - Clean Economy

Simon Skillings

Senior Associate

Industry Transition and Trade

The Industry Transition and Trade programme aims to support the global transition to cleaner, more circular production and consumption systems. Our goal is a climate-neutral material economy that allows for well-paying, resilient and zero carbon employment opportunities and supports inclusive, environmental and economic outcomes internationally.

We work with civil society partners and progressive businesses, building coalitions and generating thought leadership to secure the key changes in industrial, innovation and trade policy required to accelerate industrial decarbonisation.

Aleksandra Waliszewska 

Senior Researcher

Artur Patuleia

Senior Associate

Domien Vangenechten

Senior Policy Advisor

Elina Pihlajamӓki

Policy Advisor

Ellie Belton

Senior Policy Advisor

Emilie Kerstens


Ignacio Arróniz Velasco

Senior Policy Advisor

Johanna Lehne

Programme Lead

Laith Whitwham

Senior Policy Advisor

Mihnea Cătuți

Senior Associate

Ronan Palmer

Associate Director - Clean Economy


To change the global economy to operate at net zero means addressing the way the present system architecture promotes clean investment, and manages both the risks of climate change and the impact of the net zero transition. Our work includes addressing how Finance Ministers and Central Banks — overseen by the IMF — manage economies, how fiscal space to enable transition investment can be enhanced, and how economic development models need to adjust to take account of the climate crisis.

We work with a range of public and civil society organisations active in the macroeconomic space. We identify pathways forward for a global clean economy and bring key actors together to develop and implement solutions.

Frank Schroeder

Senior Policy Advisor

Ronan Palmer

Associate Director - Clean Economy

Sony Kapoor

Senior Associate

Place-Based Transitions

Place-Based Transitions encompass decarbonisation and adaptation to a warming world at the local level. They aim to secure people-centred benefits in the drive towards climate safety: just transition; affordable healthy homes, workplaces and cities; vibrant and circular local economies; inclusion and participation. 

These benefits become possible by building the distributed, ‘small’ infrastructures – including energy efficiency and smart, clean heating and cooling – that the net zero transition requires.

We work with partners and in coalitions, through thought leadership, policy and political engagement, for institutional, financial, fiscal and regulatory reforms that accelerate place-based transitions consistent with meeting climate targets and social needs.

Anna Peran


Beth Walker

Senior Policy Advisor

Chris Galpin

Policy Advisor

Ed Matthew

Campaigns Director

Flaminia Bonanni


James Dyson

Senior Researcher

Juliet Phillips

Programme Lead

Larissa Gross

Programme Lead

Leo Vincent

Policy Advisor

Marion Hofmann

Project Manager

Namita Kambli

Research Manager

Pedro Guertler

Senior Associate

Raphael Hanoteaux

Senior Policy Advisor

Ronan Palmer

Associate Director - Clean Economy

Roxana Dela Fiamor

Senior Researcher

Theresa Griffin

Senior Associate

Vilislava Ivanova

Research Manager

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