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Second climate set-back for Trump as G7 affirms link between climate change and health

Second climate set-back for Trump as G7 affirms link between climate change and health

Today the G7 Health Ministerial affirmed the link between climate change and health risks.

  • At noon today, the G7 Health Ministerial agreed on a final joint communique affirming link between climate change and health risks.
  • Second climate set back for Trump, after last week’s US report from his own officials showed global warming is mostly man-made.


The two-day G7 Health Ministerial ended today in Milan, Italy with all nations agreeing on the links between climate change and health risks. All nations further agreed to work with colleagues responsible for health policies, particularly at the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn on 6-17 November 2017.

This is yet further proof of Trump failing to have an impact on the global response to climate change – even with his own government.


Nick Mabey, Chief Executive of E3G said:

“The G7 Ministers have shown yet again that the rest of the world is determined to get on with tackling climate change despite Trump’s withdrawal from Paris. The unwilling agreement of the US to this communique is however a sign that sustained pressure from other governments can have some effect even on the Trump administration.”

Camilla Born, Senior Policy Advisor at E3G said:

"This is further proof that you can’t trump climate change, withdrawing from the Paris Agreement doesn’t compete with physics. Today’s declaration speaks to the harsh truth that climate change threatens our health, health systems and the work of millions of health practitioners across the world."

Notes to Editors

E3G is an independent climate change think tank operating to accelerate the global transition to a low carbon economy. E3G specializes in climate diplomacy, climate risk, energy policy and climate finance.

In 2016, E3G was ranked the fifth most influential environmental think tank in the world, third in Europe and first in the UK by the Go to Think Tank Index.

G7 Health Ministers' Meeting is one of the ministerial meetings which brings together the Health Ministers from G7 (Japan, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States) and the European Commission to exchange views and form a consensus on a variety of health issues which the international society is facing.

The official G7 Milan Health Ministers’ Communiqué 5-6 November, 2017 is available here.

US report compiled by 13 federal agencies says climate change is mostly man-made.

A recent Lancet Health report shows that for decades, pollution and its harmful effects on people’s health, the environment, and the planet have been neglected both by Governments and the international development agenda. Yet, pollution is the largest environmental cause of disease and death in the world today, responsible for an estimated 9 million premature deaths.

Another Lancet Health report tracks the links between climate change and public health risks.


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