An international approach

E3G has offices in four key political centres around the world – London, Brussels, Berlin and Washington DC – and a global network of Associates in target countries.


In each of our offices, teams of analysts and advisors – experts in local political and geopolitical dynamics – work on our main policy and politics work areas.

Local knowledge for targeted intervention

Our global network of Associates includes specialists in the political economy of specific countries and world regions. This allows us to target our interventions as opportunities for dialogue and cooperation present themselves through the UNFCCC or G7/G20 processes, or with changing EU leadership dynamics.


Engaging across boundaries

We create and support international coalitions to scale up and coordinate climate action, working in partnership with public, private and civil society organisations. We engage with complex stakeholder networks and governance structures in open and closed fora. Many of our team are former diplomats or have held senior policy or regulatory roles in the public or private sector. They blend political savviness, discretion and confidentiality.

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