
Sustainability and Foreign Policy

Sustainability and Foreign Policy

In collaboration with the Centre for the Study of Global Governance at the London School of Economics, the Institute for Public Policy Research has today launched a new book entitled “Progressive Foreign Policy: New Directions for the UK”.

The publication states that it “aims to generate some innovative thinking on the major foreign policy challenges facing the UK over the next ten years, to articulate a distinctively progressive view of foreign policy, and to outline some new policy ideas in specific areas”.

The book includes a chapter authored by E3G Chief Executive Nick Mabey. Entitled “Sustainability and Foreign Policy”, it focuses on:

  • the scale of the global environmental challenge, with a particular focus on climate change;
  • linkages between environmental pressures and violent conflict;
  • three priorities that the UK government should take to respond to environmental problems: 1. improve the UK’s own performance on environmental issues 2. promote a bigger role for Europe in tackling environmental problems 3. at the global level, to strengthen global environmental governance and to enhance international cooperation on environmental issues.

A pdf version of Nick’s chapter is available and attached for download.


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