Europe: delivering the Global Deal

Europe: delivering the Global Deal

The political conditions do not exist for a global climate deal. In this presentation, E3G Chief Executive Nick Mabey highlights the priorities for EU climate action in 2008.

European leadership is vital, but EU climate politics are vulnerable and need investment. Europe must immediately focus on shaping its strategic relationships with the US and China, and key decisions by non-environmental actors.

An ambitious global climate deal is in Europe’s interests and cannot be achieved without strong EU leadership. Europeans recognise that the threat of climate change is real and urgent and that the benefits of moving to a low carbon economy outweigh the costs. The EU has also gone further than any other major economy to put in place concrete domestic policies to support the transition.

And yet as the global climate negotiations approach a critical moment the EU is wavering on its domestic commitments and lacks a clear diplomacy strategy to shape the positions of key international partners. Attached is a presentation, made at July’s meeting for the European Economic and Social Committee’s Sustainable Development Observatory, in which E3G’s Chief Executive Nick Mabey highlights the priorities for EU climate action in 2008: implementing domestic energy and climate package; building bridges with China and the US; and drawing up credible proposals for technological and financial support to developing countries.


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