Brexit Saga: Tracking the reactions of the EU27

Brexit Saga: Tracking the reactions of the EU27

The outcome of the UK referendum on June, 23 opened the road to the negotiations for leaving the EU. On one side of the arena, the British leaders are preparing themselves to get the best result from the bargaining. On the opposite side, the EU-27 are coordinating positions under the auspices of the EU institutions.

This "Brexit Saga” is about tracking the European leaders’ reactions after main events related to the UK leaving the European Union. To do this, we took a snapshot of six EU countries and the representatives of the EU institutions, looking at their declarations on Twitter, at the articles in both national and European press.

03 May 2017: European Council adopts negotiations guidelines

On 03 May 2017, the leaders of the EU27 have adopted the block’s negotiation guidelines for the upcoming Brexit talks. The full text is available here: European Council (Art. 50) guidelines for Brexit negotiations.

29 March 2017: Official notification by the UK of its intention to leave the European Union

On 29 March 2017, Theresa May officialy signaled the intention of the UK to leave the European Union to Donal Tusk, the President of the European Council.

The full text of the letter is available here: Prime Minister’s letter to Donald Tusk triggering Article 50.

17 January 2017: Theresa May's speech at Lancaster house

Theresa May’s speech at Lancaster House on 17 January 2017, was the first step ahead toward the triggering of Article 50. The speech has raised strong reactions both among the European leaders and in the national media.

The text of the Prime Minister's intervention is available here: The government's negotiating objectives for exiting the EU: PM speech.


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