E3G and REC Turkey, with financial support from the Prosperity Fund of the British Embassy in Ankara, hosted a series of informal meetings in Turkey on 28th and 29th February 2012 to inform Turkish policy-makers, businesses and civil society organisations regarding China’s 12th five year plan and its strategy to move to a low carbon development pathway.
This aimed to establish an informal dialogue between Chinese and Turkish officials, private sector and academics to discuss the risks and opportunities of moving to a low carbon economy. It also provided insight into China’s thinking and strategy, and enabled the sharing of lessons learnt and innovative examples in transitioning to a low carbon economy.
Panellists included Xing Jijun, the Deputy Director-General of China Science and Technology Exchanges Center, at the China’s Ministry of Science and Technology, Dr. Wang Jinzhao, the Division Chief of the Industrial Economics Research Department, the Development Research Center (DRC) of the State Council, and Bernice Lee, the Research Director Energy, Environment and Resource Governance at Chatham House, UK.
You can find the agenda of the workshops, background note (in English and Turkish), presentations and chair’s summary attached. For more information, please contact Pelin Zorlu.