
Jonathan Gaventa speaks at “Energy, Environment and Europe” event

Jonathan Gaventa speaks at “Energy, Environment and Europe” event

Last week, E3G Programme Leader Jonathan Gaventa was invited to speak at an event entitled “Energy, Environment and Europe. Why Working Together Makes Sense”.

Jointly organised by The Labour Movement for Europe (LME) and Labour’s Environment Campaign SERA, the event was one in a series which aimed to “highlight the importance of individual policy areas in the context of Europe”.

Jonathan argued that collaboration on energy and regional grid development is the best solution for decarbonising while keeping costs down. However, the UK is at risk of becoming a policy taker rather than a policy maker on European energy. The UK needs to show political leadership and work towards a joined-up approach to future energy policy across Europe.

A full event write-up can be found on LME’s website.


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