
Energy Bill Revolution announces #coldhomesweek

Energy Bill Revolution announces #coldhomesweek

The Energy Bill Revolution is the biggest ever public campaign to end fuel poverty. It includes an alliance of 170 major charities, businesses and unions. Together we are launching Cold Homes Week on 3rd February 2014 to raise awareness about the suffering of the fuel poor and to get the support of politicians for our campaign to make UK homes super energy efficient.

The Big Tweet
To kick off Cold Homes Week we are asking all of our petition signatories, Alliance members, their staff and supporters to send out one tweet on Monday 3rd February at 9am using #ColdHomesWeek

Mass MP Emails
Both through the Energy Bill Revolution website and via our Alliance, we will be sending thousands of emails to our MPs calling on them to bring down winter deaths and end fuel poverty.

Selfies in Scarves
Scarves are a symbol of our campaign. We’re asking celebrities, MPs and the public show their support by tweeting pictures of themselves in scarves using #ColdHomesWeek

Statues Wearing Scarves
There’s a rumour going round that statues all over the UK might be donning scarves in support of our campaign. If you spot one, send us a tweet. If not, scarf one up and let us know!

Winter Deaths
Over 30,000 British people died last winter from the cold – we plan to let MPs know by setting up a symbolic art installation in Westminster.

Public Meetings
In February and March we are holding major public meetings in London, Leeds, Manchester, Doncaster and Liverpool to discuss the energy bill and fuel poverty crisis. We’ve invited key ministers and we’re inviting you. More details to come.

Debate in Parliament
Many MPs support our campaign and want to see change. We’ve asked them to have a big debate about fuel poverty during Cold Homes Week. If it’s streamed on the net we’ll let you know here.

The Great British Knit Off
All over the country people are knitting scarves to give to their MPs to encourage them to take action on fuel poverty. We will present all 650 MPs with a scarf to remind them that some people can’t stay warm this winter and to ask for their support.

Parliamentary Reception
On Wednesday 5th February there will be a reception held in parliament where scarves will be presented to MPs and we will take photos which will be sent to MPs local media. Members of our Alliance are welcome to attend.

Counting the Cost
Britain has some of the leakiest housing the Europe. This campaign aims to stop homes losing hundreds of pounds through poorly insulated homes. We will keep count of how much money we waste on our website.

The Energy Bill Revolution is coordinated by Transform UK, the alliance building wing of E3G.


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