E3G was ranked the fifth most globally influential environmental think tank for the third year running in the 2018 Go To Global Think Tank Index Report.
E3G also debuted on the list of Top Energy and Resource Policy Think Tanks. E3G is proud to be consistently recognised as one of the world’s preeminent think tanks for its work and global impact.
The Go To Global Think Tank Index Report is published by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) of the Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania. The programme conducts research on the role policy institutes play in governments and civil societies around the world. The TTCSP produces the annual index ranking the world’s leading think tanks in a variety of categories. This is achieved with the help of a panel of over 1,796 peer institutions and experts from the print and electronic media, academia, public and private donor institutions, and governments around the world.
According to the TTCSP, the top environment policy think tank category is dedicated to the leading environmental policy institutions of the global community. The top think tanks in this category provide superior innovative research and strategic analyses on various environmental issues that are of significance on a global level. These think tanks excel in research, analysis, and public engagement on a wide range of policy issues with the aim of advancing debate, facilitating cooperation between relevant actors, maintaining public support and funding, and improving the overall quality of life in one of the relevant countries.