During London Climate Action Week (1-3 July) we are working with our partners to bring some amazing events together. Check our LCAW 2020 listings below.
Our events focus on the cutting edge of climate action on resilience, clean finance, the politics of recovery, clean cooling and the role of gas.
For a full overview of London Climate Action Week events please visit the site here.
Green recovery, financial resilience and investments in gas infrastructure
Date: Wed, 1 July 2020 | 10:30 – 12:00 BST
Host: E3G
Audience: Semi-public, targeted at investors
Key Contact: Lisa Fischer, lisa.fischer@e3g.org, @FactFisching
LCAW Theme: Politics of collaboration and competition
London Climate Action Week Event listing
While gas is a fossil fuel, investments in gas infrastructure are complex to assess – both from a financial and a sustainability point of view. This discussion aims to explore the considerations for investors and banks when trying to understand the climate related financial risks of upcoming gas investments.
Global cooperation for a sustainable recovery roundtable
Date: July 2nd | 3:00 BST
Host: E3G
Audience: Invitation Only
Key Contact: Tom Evans, Tom.Evans@e3g.org, @TomEvansClimate
LCAW theme: Politics of collaboration and competition
London Climate Action Week Event Listing
The gargantuan scale of economic recovery packages needed in response to the COVID-19 crisis will shape economies and political decision making for at least the next decade. But the COVID-19 crisis comes on top of a climate and environmental crisis that demands its own gargantuan scale of action. Amidst the many parallels between them, these crises powerfully illustrate the need for global coordination in the face of systemic global risks.
At this London Climate Action Week event, E3G is bringing together key stakeholders in the calls for sustainable and climate-safe economic recoveries from the COVID-19 crisis to design an international agenda that can translate these calls into coordinated global and national action. Speakers have been invited from the IEA and IMF whose most recent report will set out a detailed plan for a sustainable recovery, academia, civil society, and key governments hosting crucial multilateral fora over the next 18 months.
How can UK green finance policies support green and resilient economic recovery?
Date: July 2nd | 11:00-12:30 BST
Host: E3G and Green Finance Institute
Audience: Open
Key Contact: Chris Dixon O’Mara, chris.dixonomara@e3g.org
LCAW theme: Green investment for economic recovery
London Climate Action Week Event Listing
The UK has a strong history of leading on green and sustainable finance in both the domestic and international spheres. It now has a unique opportunity to further this leadership by implementing financial reforms which address the economic challenges of COVID-19 and climate change, both at national level and through its international leadership roles in 2021. In extraordinary times the UK has an extraordinary opportunity. This event will explore how the UK can integrate climate change into its own economic recovery strategy and set out a financial plan to underpin its net-zero target, enabling finance to be channelled at scale to the new industries and infrastructure that are required for future UK prosperity.
Resilience in light of COVID-19
Date: July 3rd | 10:00 – 12:00 BST
Host: E3G and IIED in partnership with the Global Commission on Adaptation (GCA), the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP), and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).
Audience: open
Key Contact: Iskander Erzini Vernoit, iskander.erzini.vernoit@e3g.org, @AErziniVernoit
LCAW theme: Solutions: Adaptation and Resilience
London Climate Action Week Event Listing
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought concerns about resilience to the fore in an unprecedented way. The pandemic has laid bare the vulnerability of health systems and economies, substantiating concerns about resilience more broadly to external shocks. Given the immense losses that could be avoided by delivering resilience, policymakers must seek prioritisation of resilience across different dimensions, including: climate, health, development, investment, peace and security. This event will articulate the importance of resilience across agendas, and the need for ambitious public policy commitments on climate adaptation and resilience in the near term, exploring what can be exploring what can be done on in the run-up to COP26, with a view to setting up action over the course of this decade.
From Recovery to COP26: the role of sustainable cooling
Date: July 3rd from 11 – 12:30 BST
Host: UK Government and cool coalition in coordination with E3G
Audience: Open
Key Contact: Larissa Gross, Larissa.gross@e3g.org, @larissaogross
LCAW theme: (3) Solutions: Adaptation and Resilience
London Climate Action Week Event Listing
How can sustainable cooling support both a clean and resilient Covid-19 recovery and enhanced ambition in the lead up to and at COP26? Join us to find out what countries leading on cooling are doing to transition to a sustainable cooling future.