
Catherine Abreu joins E3G as Senior Associate

Catherine Abreu Staff Headshot

E3G welcomes Catherine Abreu as a Senior Associate working closely with the Climate Neutral Energy Systems team.

Catherine Abreu is the Founder and Executive Director of Destination Zero, a new organization focused on building community for a fossil free future. A key player in North American climate and energy policy for the past decade, Catherine was appointed as one of 14 Advisors to Canada’s Net-Zero Advisory Body in early 2021 and sits on the advisory council for the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices. Most recently, Catherine served as the Executive Director of Climate Action Network Canada. In 2020 Catherine was awarded the Jack Layton Progress Prize for her international leadership on climate policy and her transformative work in this role.

Catherine brings her well-honed skills as a subject matter expert, movement-builder, communicator, and diplomat to E3G’s critical work modelling alternative energy systems and supporting the diplomacy required to bring those systems online. She brings deep relationships across several international civil society spaces.


Claire Healy, Director Washington DC Office, said:

“Figuring out what to do about our reliance on gas for energy supply, trade balances, development models and geopolitical dynamics is the next frontier in climate diplomacy. There’s a massive disconnect between rhetoric and the reality Net Zero / 1.5 aligned economies implies. I’m thrilled that we have Cat Abreu helping us define the challenge, navigate these difficult conversations, and build the necessary diplomatic platforms for this moment. Cat is sophisticated, smart, and singularly focused on the task ahead.”

Catherine Abreu said:

“An accelerated transition away from fossil fuel based energy and toward clean renewable energy is the lynch pin of climate success in the next decade. Getting to a 1.5° compatible pathway by 2030 and to zero emissions by 2050 requires a just and equitable energy transition at a pace and scale so far unimagined by global governments. I’m thrilled to be joining the team at E3G as we develop the creative and tactical policy solutions and renewed, transformational approach to international climate and energy diplomacy that we need to make it all happen.”


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