2021 Climate and Development Agenda Workshops

Planning documents and sticky notes following brainstorming session
Planning documents and sticky notes following brainsotrming session – image felipe-furtado-2zDXqgTzEFE-unsplash

A think tank consortium brought together non-government experts from developing and developed countries to discuss challenges associated with and practical solutions to interlinked climate and development issues. The outcomes of the workshops were designed to feed into the Climate and Development Ministerial being hosted by the UK Government on 31 March 2021.

The workshops aimed to co-design practical solutions that support the delivery of climate adaptation, resilience and sustainable development across four themes:

  1. Responding to climate impacts;
  2. Access to climate finance;
  3. Quantity and quality of climate finance; and
  4. Fiscal space and debt sustainability.

E3G hosted a workshop focussed on issues of fiscal space and debt sustainability exacerbated by the COVID pandemic on 25 February 2021 and produced a Chair’s Summary report which can be downloaded below. The Chair’s Summary outlines a common framing of the issues, overviews the policy solutions raised during discussion, and begins to lay down markers for political landing grounds for policy solutions that can be delivered or launched in 2021.

For more information on the Chair’s Summary or the workshop that it is based on, please email fiscalspace@e3g.org.

Page links:

Read all of the non-government expert workshop reports:

IIED, E3G, RCCC and WRI held a Climate & Development Ministerial pre-roundtable dialogue on 12 March 2021 for country officials and advisors participating in the ministerial processes. The slides shared during the dialogue and a summary of the discussion are available to download at the links below:

The slides shared at the Climate & Development Expert Roundtables on 17-18 March 2021 are available to download at the link below:


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