Nature based solutions

Paris alignmentReasoning
UnalignedNo information can be found for a targeted investment programme in biodiversity, nature-based solution or sustainable agriculture.


The KDB has no dedicated investment programmes in biodiversity, nature-based solutions or sustainable agriculture.

No information could be found whether KDB has committed to net-zero deforestation. Bank staff has been contacted to provide clarity on this.

On its website, KDB declares that it “recognizes the importance of climate change, biodiversity and human rights.” Further, the Bank recognizes “the importance of ecosystem services and their role in climate change mitigation and adaptation.” However, beyond this commitment, there is no evidence that KDB is promoting actively nature-based solutions or biodiversity in its operations.

The IDFC group, of which KDB is a member committed at the Finance in Common summit to  “Reaffirm their full support to address the direct drivers of biodiversity loss by mitigating negative impacts on biodiversity of their finance, using a range of approaches such as the implementation of environmental and social safeguards or guidelines, due diligence, off-setting, or the exclusion of activities that have harmful impacts upon biodiversity and ecosystem services”.

Recommendation: KDB should consider setting up a dedicated programme to enhance nature protection, biodiversity and promote sustainable agriculture practices.

Last Update: July 2021

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