
UK Infrastructure Bank: A place-based strategy for success decarbonising the built environment

Man installing thermal roof insulation layer  – using mineral wool panels.
Man installing thermal roof insulation layer – using mineral wool panels. Photo by artursfoto on Adobe Stock.

Roundtable overview: decarbonising the built environment

Delivering net zero will only be possible with a sustained, multi-decade national retrofit drive to decarbonise the built environment. The National Infrastructure Commission and Climate Change Committee identified domestic energy efficiency and low carbon heat as a national infrastructure priority. However, to date, mobilising capital has been one of the greatest challenges standing in the way of rapid progress. The UK Infrastructure Bank (the Bank) could be mission-critical – supporting local authorities, businesses and financial institutions to unlock healthier homes, lower energy bills, green jobs and significant carbon reductions.

As the Bank develops its first Strategic Plan, it is engaging with stakeholders to help further its strategic development. Subsequently, it has produced a discussion paper: Potential Private Sector Opportunities In Priority Sectors and has been seeking feedback.

As part of this process, the Bank and E3G coordinated a roundtable to explore how the Bank can support the decarbonisation of the built environment. It was attended by over forty professionals representing finance, home retrofits, manufacturing, energy, local authorities, academia and think tanks. Participants encouraged the UK Infrastructure Bank to prioritise decarbonising the built environment within the Strategic Plan, putting this into practice with the recommendations made.

Read the full briefing here.


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