
Sino-European Partnership on Low Carbon and Sustainable Urban Development

Sino-European Partnership on Low Carbon and Sustainable Urban Development

Cities worldwide face multiple challenges. They are the main hubs of economic activity and are responsible for the vast majority of the world’s energy consumption and global GHG emissions. Cities are also vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The need to create resilience in the face of a changing climate also creates opportunities to design low carbon cities. These common challenges make cities in China, Germany and wider Europe natural partners. And only through joint action and cooperation on the local and the international level can meaningful progress be achieved.

E3G is partnering with Germanwatch to implement the project “Sino-European Partnership on Low Carbon and Sustainable Urban Development” to foster the cooperation between cities in China, Germany and the EU. This will be achieved through initiating and supporting:

  • The mutual exchange of best practice between the participating cities;
  • The implementation of low carbon demonstration projects; and
  • The transfer and sharing of knowledge and solutions.

This project focuses on low carbon development in the cities of Chengdu and Wuhan in China, and Bonn-Chengdu low carbon partnership.

The project website can be found here:

This project is funded by Stiftung Mercator.


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