In an increasingly interdependent world, sustainable development issues are ever more transboundary in nature.
Last year we were commissioned by the UK’s Department for International Development to develop a major new analytical framework on the topic of Global Public Goods (GPGs)*.
We’re now in a position to share some of our thinking on this more widely, and have attached for download the conceptual framework we presented. This was the starting point for more in-depth E3G analysis on 9 key GPGs.
This framework outlines the important links between the provision of global public goods and poverty reduction; barriers to the production of GPGs; and key strategic considerations for development agencies as they make investments.
Developing effective strategies for cooperation over GPG provision holds the key to solving many of the most pressing sustainable development challenges facing the world today – including tackling climate change, peace and security and anti-corruption issues.
As part of E3G’s core mission to deliver sustainable development outcomes, we would be interested in working with other institutions in this field to help them develop their own strategies. Do contact us if you would like to learn more about our approach.
* Whilst this work was commissioned by DFID, it does not necessarily reflect DFID policy – instead it represents our opinions as authors.