
UK net zero governance and a social contract for climate

Big Ben Through the Arch
Big Ben framed by a stone arch on the south side of River Thames. Photo by magicbones on Adobe.
11:00 10 Jun 2022 Virtual

Following the completion of E3G’s latest UK Political Economy Mapping Methodology (PEMM) assessment in January 2022, E3G is convening expert thinkers and organisations on governance, society and beyond, for a virtual CSO workshop to consider key questions concerning the next phase of governance for the delivery of net zero and building a social contract for climate action in the UK.

The UK Government’s current policies under the Net Zero Strategy will not reduce emissions enough to meet its legally binding carbon budgets, with several organisations taking the UK Government to court over these shortcomings. This workshop will be an open and creative brainstorm session, which will use some high-level questions and insights from the UK PEMM as a launchpad for a wider discussion touching off questions like:  

  1. How can we best ensure the Governments commitment to aligning policy with its net zero targets? 
  2. How can we ensure the selection of policies for net-zero and a consistent, fair, and transparent design that ensures their alignment with the UK’s carbon budgets? How would the decision- and policy-making process need to change to achieve this? 
  3. How does the UK’s climate governance need to shift in the next phase to support the delivery of net zero? 
  4. How could this process support the creation of a social contract for climate action in the UK, through greater public participation or other means? 

This session will facilitate an interactive workshop with a focus on participation and generating insights. It will allow you to contribute to a collective understanding of critical issues and gaps concerning governance for the delivery of net zero and the building of a social contract for climate action in the UK and collectively identify possible solutions and interventions regarding these.

This is a closed workshop. Please contact Lia Flattery at to express interest in attending.  


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