Motorbike Receding: Reflections on Art, Politics and Climate Change

Motorbike Receding: Reflections on Art, Politics and Climate Change

E3G founding director John Ashton, gave a talk at the Royal College of Art on 30 October 2013 as part of the SustainRCA talks. In it he calls for society to stand up to incumbency and make a stand on climate change.

A copy of his speech entitled 'Motorbike Receding: Reflections on Art, Politics and Climate Change' is attached and some of the feedback on Twitter can be read below.

John sums up the problem as follows,

we have locked ourselves into a system of production and consumption that depends on fossil fuels. When we burn those fossil fuels we destabilize the climate. If there is no climate security, then we cannot have food, water or energy security. Ultimately, as Josephine said, we will have competition not cooperation; competition tending increasingly towards conflict.

and describes the fight against climate change,

The effort to deal with climate change will not really be about technology or economics or policy. It will be a political struggle, a struggle between the incumbency forces of high carbon business as usual and those of transformation, to a new low carbon growth model, built around a carbon neutral energy system.

A copy of his speech entitled 'Motorbike Receding: Reflections on Art, Politics and Climate Change' is attached and some of the feedback on Twitter can be read below.


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