Paris alignment | Reasoning |
Unaligned | Majority of country assistance policies only have passing references to climate change and no mention of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). |
The country strategies that JICA lists on its website are set by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and are referred to as a “Country Assistance Policy”. E3G reviewed two country policies for each of the 6 regions JICA serves to determine the level of integration of climate into these policies. Due to the reliance on MOFA, there does not appear to be high level guidelines on how JICA should approach the development of a country strategy.
Country Assistance Policies
Indonesia – A few references to tackling climate change but no direct measures in place and no reference to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
Bangladesh – A few references to climate change adaptation but no direct measures in place and no reference to NDCs.
Papua New Guinea A few references to tackling climate change but no direct measures in place and no reference to NDCs.
Tonga – The main objective of the policy is ‘sustainable green growth’. There are direct references to an energy roadmap and the development of renewables. Tackling disaster risk is also included. No reference to NDCs. See section from policy below:
“Japan also supports the efforts made by the Kingdom of Tonga under the Tonga Energy Roadmap, which promotes utilization of renewable energy, for the purpose of building a environment-friendly society, through instalment and utilization of a photovoltaic system”
Saint Lucia – Adaptation to climate change is a priority area. No reference to NDCs.
Jamaica There is a focus on adaptation, whilst energy efficiency and renewables are also a priority area. No reference to NDCs. See section from policy below:
“Japan provides support for Jamaica to promote energy efficiency and conversion to renewable energy towards the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.”
Nigeria – No mention of climate change or NDCs.
South Africa – Passing reference of climate change and no reference to NDCs.
Iran – Passing reference of climate change and no reference to NDCs.
Jordan – Passing reference of climate change and no reference to NDCs.
Ukraine – No mention of climate change.
Kosovo – No mention of climate change.