Climate risk, resilience and adaptation

Paris AlignmentReasoning
UnalignedNo processes to screen or manage climate risks at project level,
no disclosure of adaptation finance.
Project-level climate risk management proceduresScope of coverage of project-level climate risk managementEnhancing client climate resilience 
Lack of progress.N/AN/A


KDB does not have a climate risk management process and climate risk is not considered in the KDB project appraisal process*. KDB does also not apply the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Risk reporting principles and does not assess its climate risk exposure under this framework. KDB only considers general environmental risks.

KDB does not seem to provide any adaptation finance, as it does not report any figures on adaptation finance to the International Development Finance Club.

Information on KDB’s performance in enhancing client’s resilience and providing adaptation finance is not publicly available.

*Documents provided to E3G containing further information on Korea Development Bank.

Last Update: August 2022

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