The Clean Energy Transition and Industrial Strategy

The Clean Energy Transition and Industrial Strategy

A new E3G report developed through collaboration with the Energy System Catapult.

The Government has identified the need for a new industrial strategy to meet a number of pressing economic and political objectives. It also needs to enable and support a clean energy transition whilst keeping energy costs to consumers as low as possible.

This note contains some preliminary high level thinking from a network convened by the Energy Systems Catapult and E3G on how the UK’s government’s action to promote a clean energy transition can be aligned with its emerging industrial strategy. There appears to be a number of areas where strategic action by government can deliver multiple benefits spanning both the transformation of the energy system and the industrial strategy.

There is, therefore, a strong case for making this alignment an explicit driver of the approach to building a long term industrial strategy. The note also sets out some proposals for how this initial thinking could be developed and refined – potentially as an input to the government’s ongoing work on energy and industrial strategy

Read the full report – The Clean Energy Transition and Industrial Strategy [PDF 718KB]


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