COP21 Day 8: Ratcheting a pathway to 1.5

COP21 Day 8: Ratcheting a pathway to 1.5

Things are starting to get real in Paris.

Ministers met yesterday with mixed outcomes.

On the good side, many countries across the world want 1.5°C mentioned in the final text. Now we need to make sure the call for 1.5 is heavily linked policy asks that will get us there like the Long Term Goal and the Ambition Mechanism.

Also useful is that we're hearing in the corridors that there are informal groups of countries meeting to discuss high ambition.

The negotiations are becoming more concrete and we're finding out where the strong red lines are.

The biggest gap at the moment is the lack of a future political moment where INDCs, that we know don't reach 2 degrees (let alone 1.5), can be revised. This is a problem both for countries with INDCs that have a 2030 target, and for those who don't and need a moment to bring their next INDC to the table.


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