COP28: what we need to see

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Dubai skyline during sunset with body of water. Photo by Ahmad Galal on Unsplash.

This on-the-record E3G press briefing examined the state of play ahead of COP28 and expectations for the Summit.

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E3G experts in geopolitics, loss and damage, and energy briefed select press contacts on why the UAE summit matters and the opportunities COP28 presents within a wider setting of geopolitical fragmentation, energy security and worsening climate impacts.


  • Alden Meyer on the state of play of climate diplomacy since COP27 and where it leaves expectations for COP28 in a challenging geopolitical and economic context.
  • Lisa Fischer on the energy transition since COP27 and how clean energy can be a driver of development, and what we need to see from COP28 to accelerate the energy system transition.
  • Ana Mulio Alvarez on the loss and damage fund and what needs to be delivered at COP28, and key next steps for the global goal on adaptation.
  • Leo Roberts on phasing out coal and evaluating the future of fossil fuels, and how COP28 can close the emissions gap.
  • Alex Scott on how COP28 can accelerate financial system transformation and the next steps to setting out a practical pathway for delivering reforms and new capital.


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