Climate One Podcast: Lisa Fischer discusses EU decarbonisation

John Kerry Podcast Lisa Fischer

Lisa Fischer on Climate One Podcast examines the following question: What will it take to get the world’s major economies off fossil fuels?

The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to cut U.S. carbon emissions by 7.5% in 2020 — exactly the rate needed globally to meet the climate goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. Can other major economies like China and Europe make plans to decarbonize at the same rate without throwing their economies over a cliff? What happens when the world’s top clean energy exporters are also the top greenhouse gas emitters? With post-COVID economic recovery plans taking precedence, will the transition to a clean economy be pushed to the back burner?

Speakers on this episode of Climate One Podcast include:

John Kerry, Former US Secretary of State

Lisa Fischer, Senior Policy Advisor, E3G

Julia Poliscanova, Senior Director of Vehicles and E-Mobility, Transport & Environment

Justin Wu, Managing Director and Head of Asia-Pacific, Bloomberg New Energy Finance

David Sandalow, Co-Director, Energy and Environment Concentration, Columbia School of International and Public Affairs

Listen to the full Climate One podcast here.


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